You can interact with contracts pythonically using ape! First, we need to obtain a contract instance. One way to do this is to deploy a contract. The other way is to initialize an already-deployed contract using its address.
From Deploy
Deploy contracts from your project using the project
root-level object.
You deploy contracts using Python functions such as AccountAPI.deploy or ContractContainer.deploy.
You can run Ape’s deploy functions anywhere you run Python!
You need both an account and a contract in order to deploy a contract, as the deployment process requires a transaction to submit the contract data to the blockchain.
To learn about accounts and how to use them, see the Accounts Guide.
You also need the contract.
You can access contract types from Ape’s root-level project
object (e.g. project.MyContract
) and their types are ContractContainer.
Let’s assume you have a Vyper contract like this:
contract MySmartContract:
owner: public(address)
balance: public(uint256)
def __init__(arg1: uint256, arg2: address):
self.owner = arg2
self.balance = arg1
Before you can deploy this contract, you must ensure it was compiled. To learn about compiling in Ape, please see this guide.
After it is compiled, you can deploy it. Here is a basic example of Python code to deploy a contract:
from ape import accounts, project
# You need an account to deploy, as it requires a transaction.
account = accounts.load("<ALIAS>") # NOTE: <ALIAS> refers to your account alias!
contract = project.MyContract.deploy(1, account, sender=account)
# NOTE: You can also do it this way:
contract2 = account.deploy(project.MyContract, 1, account)
The arguments to the constructor (1, account
) can be in Python form.
Ape will automatically convert values in your transactions, thus allowing you to provide higher-level objects or abstractions as input types.
That is why, as you can see, the second argument is an AccountAPI
object for the type address
in the contract.
Notice in the example, we use project.MyContract
to access the contract type.
To avoid naming collisions with other properties on the project
object, you can alternatively use the get_contract() method to retrieve contract containers.
from ape import project
contract = project.get_contract("MyContract") # Same as `project.MyContract`.
Notice when deploying, we have to specify the sender=
kwarg because deploy
operations are transactions.
To learn more about contract interaction via transactions, see the Contract Interaction section below and the guide on transactions.
Deploy Scripts
Often time, the deployment process may be unique or complex. Or possibly, you need to run the deploy-logic from CI or in a repeatable fashion. Or perhaps, you just want to avoid having to invoking Python directly. In those cases, you can use Ape’s scripting system to save time and store your deployment logic. Simply copy your Python logic into an Ape script and run it via:
ape run <my-deploy-script>
Learn how to do this and scripting in its entirety by reviewing the scripting user-guide.
There is no root ape
command to deploy contracts; only the scripting-system, the console
, or merely using Ape as a Python library.
If your deployment process is simple or only needs to happen once, it is easy to use ape console
to achieve a deployment.
More information on how to use ape console
can be found here.
You can also publish the contract source code to an explorer upon deployment using the publish=
kwarg on the deploy methods.
More information on publishing contracts can be found in this guide.
From Project Contract Address
You can also use the at() method from the same top-level project manager when you know the address of an already-deployed contract:
from ape import project
contract ="0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45")
By default, Ape will detect if the contract is a proxy and use the implementation contract’s interface. See the Proxy Contracts guide for more details on proxy handling.
From Any Address
If you already know the address of a contract, you can create instances of it using the Contract
top-level factory:
from ape import Contract
contract = Contract("0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45")
If the contract ABI and/or code is cached on disk or in memory (such as from a previous deploy or retrieval), it will use it.
Otherwise, it will fetch the ContractType
using the explorer plugin from the active network, such as ape-etherscan.
To avoid fetching the contract from an explorer such as Etherscan, use fetch_from_explorer=False
from ape import Contract
contract = Contract("0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45", fetch_from_explorer=False)
This also avoids checking for an updated ContractType
and forces Ape to only use types cached to disk or in memory.
If you have the ENS plugin installed, you can use .eth
domain names as the argument:
from ape import Contract
contract = Contract("v2.registry.ychad.eth")
From ABIs
You can load contracts using their ABIs:
from ape import Contract
address = "0x68b3465833fb72A70ecDF485E0e4C7bD8665Fc45"
# Using a JSON str:
contract = Contract(
address, abi='[{"name":"foo","type":"fallback", "stateMutability":"nonpayable"}]'
# Using a JSON file path:
contract = Contract(address, abi="abi.json")
# Using a Python dictionary from JSON:
contract = Contract(
abi=[{"name":"foo","type":"fallback", "stateMutability":"nonpayable"}]
This will create the Contract instance from the given ABI.
From Previous Deployment
Ape keeps track of your deployments for you so you can always refer back to a version that you deployed previously. On live networks, this history of deployments is saved; on local networks, this history lasts for the duration of your script.
Let’s say you previously deployed a smart contract called MyContract
on the rinkeby test network.
You could then refer back to it like so:
from ape import project, chain
def main():
my_contract = chain.contracts.get_deployments(project.MyContract)[-1]
from ape import project
def main():
my_contract = project.MyContract.deployments[-1]
will be of type ContractInstance
returns a list of deployments you made of that contract type.
Contract Interaction
Then, after you have a contract instance, you can call methods on the contract. For example, let’s say you have a Vyper contract containing some functions:
wdAmount: public(uint256)
def get_static_list() -> DynArray[uint256, 3]:
return [1, 2, 3]
def set_number(num: uint256):
assert msg.sender == self.owner, "!authorized"
self.prevNumber = self.myNumber
self.myNumber = num
def withdraw():
self.wdAmount = msg.value
Notice the contract has an external pure method, an external method that modifies state, and an external payable method that also modifies state using the given msg.value
In EVM languages, methods that modify state require a transaction to execute because they cost money.
Modifying the storage of a contract requires gas and thus requires a sender with enough funding.
Methods that accept value are payable
(e.g. msg.value
in Vyper); provide additional value (e.g. Ether) to these methods.
Contract calls, on the other hand, are read-operations and do not cost anything.
Calls are never payable.
Thus, calls do not require specifying a sender=
in Ape.
At the RPC level, Ethereum calls are performed using the eth_call
RPC and transactions are performed using the eth_sendTransaction
or eth_sendRawTransaction
The following sub-sections show how, using Ape, we can invoke or call the methods defined above.
The following example demonstrates invoking a contract’s method in Ape as a transaction. Remember: transactions cost money, whether they are payable or not. Payable transactions cost more money, because the contract-logic requires additional value (e.g. Ether) to be forwarded with the call.
Before continuing, take note that there is a separate guide which fully covers transactions in Ape at a more granular level. For this guide, assume we are using the default transaction type in Ape for Ethereum-based networks.
from ape import accounts, Contract
account = accounts.load("<ALIAS>")
contract = Contract("0x...") # Assume is deployed version of code above
# Transaction: Invoke the `set_number()` function, which costs Ether
receipt = contract.set_number(sender=account)
assert not receipt.failed
# The receipt contains data such as `gas_used`.
To provider additional value to a payable method, use the value=
receipt = contract.withdraw(sender=account, value=123)
# NOTE: You can also use "smart" values such as `"0.1 ether"` or `"100 gwei"`:
_ = contract.withdraw(sender=account, value="0.1 ether")
_ = contract.withdraw(sender=account, value="100 gwei")
_ = contract.withdraw(sender=account, value="1 wei")
Notice that transacting returns a ReceiptAPI object which contains all the receipt data, such as gas_used
If you need the return_value
from a transaction, you have to either treat transaction as a call (see the section below!) or use a provider with tracing-features enabled (such as ape-foundry
or ape-node
) and access the return_value property on the receipt.
assert receipt.return_value == 123
Transactions may also fail, known as a “revert”.
When a transaction reverts, Ape (by default) raises a subclass of TransactionError
, which is a Python exception.
To learn more reverts, see the reverts guide.
For more general information on transactions in the Ape framework, see this guide.
In the Vyper code at the beginning of this section, the function get_static_list()
is decorated as @pure
indicating that it’s read-only.
(Also in Vyper, @view
methods are read-only).
Since get_static_list()
is read-only, we can successfully call it without a sender=
kwarg; no funds are required.
Here is an example of making a call by checking the result of get_static_list()
from ape import accounts, Contract
account = accounts.load("<ALIAS>")
contract = Contract("0x...")
# CALL: A sender is not required for calls!
assert contract.get_static_list() == [1, 2, 3]
Calling Transactions and Transacting Calls
You can treat transactions as calls and vice-versa.
For example, let’s say we have a Solidity function:
function addBalance(uint256 new_bal) external returns(uint256) {
balances[msg.sender] = new_bal;
return balances[msg.sender];
To simulate the transaction without actually modifying any state, use the .call
method from the contract transaction handler:
from ape import Contract
contract = Contract("0x...")
result =
assert result == "123" # The return value gets forwarded from the contract.
Similarly, you may want to measure a call as if it were a transaction, in which case you can use the .transact
attribute on the contract call handler:
Given the Solidity function:
function getModifiedBalance() external view returns(uint256) {
return balances[msg.sender] + 123;
You can treat it like a transaction by doing:
from ape import accounts, Contract
account = accounts.load("<ALIAS>")
contract = Contract("0x...")
receipt = contract.getModifiedBalance.transact(sender=account)
assert not receipt.failed # Transactions return `ReceiptAPI` objects.
print(receipt.gas_used) # Analyze receipt gas from calls.
Default, Fallback, and Direct Calls
To directly call an address, such as invoking a contract’s fallback
or receive
method, call a contract instance directly:
from ape import Contract, accounts
sender = accounts.load("<ALIAS>") # NOTE: <ALIAS> refers to your account alias!
contract = Contract("0x123...")
# Call the contract's fallback method.
receipt = contract(sender=sender, gas=40000, data="0x123")
Private Transactions
If you are using a provider that allows private mempool transactions, you are able to use the private=True
kwarg to publish your transaction into a private mempool.
For example, EVM providers likely will use the eth_sendPrivateTransaction
RPC to achieve this.
To send a private transaction, do the following:
receipt = contract.set_number(sender=dev, private=True)
The private=True
is available on all contract interactions.
Decoding and Encoding Inputs
If you want to separately decode and encode inputs without sending a transaction or making a call, you can achieve this with Ape.
If you know the method you want to use when decoding or encoding, you can call methods encode_input()
or decode_input()
on the method handler from a contract:
from ape import Contract
# HexBytes(0x3fb5c1cb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000de)
contract = Contract("0x...")
bytes_value = contract.my_method.encode_input(0, 1, 2)
In the example above, the bytes value returned contains the method ID selector prefix 3fb5c1c
Alternatively, you can decode input:
from eth_pydantic_types import HexBytes
from ape import Contract
contract = Contract("0x...")
selector_str, input_dict = contract.my_method.decode_input(HexBytes("0x123..."))
In the example above, selector_str
is the string version of the method ID, e.g. my_method(unit256,uint256)
The input dict is a mapping of input names to their decoded values, e.g {"foo": 2, "owner": "0x123..."}
If an input does not have a name, its key is its stringified input index.
If you don’t know the method’s ABI and you have calldata, you can use a ContractInstance
or ContractContainer
import ape
# Fetch a contract
contract = ape.Contract("0x...")
# Alternative, use a contract container from ape.project
# contract = ape.project.MyContract
# Only works if unique amount of args.
bytes_value = contract.encode_input(0, 1, 2, 4, 5)
method_id, input_dict = contract.decode_input(bytes_value)
Contract Interface Introspection
There may be times you need to figure out ABI selectors and method or event identifiers for a contract. A contract instance provides properties to make this easy. For instance, if you have a 4-byte hex method ID, you can return the ABI type for that method:
import ape
usdc = ape.Contract("0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48")
# ABI type for a hex method ID
assert usdc.identifier_lookup['0x70a08231'].selector == 'balanceOf(address)'
# Also, selectors from method and event signatures
assert usdc.selector_identifiers["balances(address)"] == "0x27e235e3"
# Or dump all selectors and IDs
for identifier, abi_type in usdc.identifier_lookup.items():
print(identifier, abi_type)
# 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef type='event' name='Transfer' inputs=...
# ...
These include methods and error IDs, as well as event topics.
Multi-Call and Multi-Transaction
The ape_ethereum
core plugin comes with a multicall
module containing tools for interacting with the multicall3 smart contract.
Multicall allows you to group function calls and transactions into a single call or transaction.
Here is an example of how you can use the multicall module:
import ape
from ape_ethereum import multicall
ADDRESSES = ("0xF4b8A02D4e8D76070bD7092B54D2cBbe90fa72e9", "0x80067013d7F7aF4e86b3890489AcAFe79F31a4Cb")
POOLS = [ for a in ADDRESSES]
def main():
# Use multi-call.
call = multicall.Call()
for pool in POOLS:
# By default allowFailure=True, so the multicall continues even if one call fails
# To require a call to succeed (revert entire multicall if this call fails)
call.add(pool.anotherMethod, allowFailure=False)
# Use multi-transaction.
tx = multicall.Transaction()
for pool in POOLS:
# Same allowFailure option for transactions
tx.add(pool.ApplyDiscount, 123, allowFailure=True)
# For payable functions, you can also specify value
tx.add(pool.deposit, value=1000)
acct = ape.accounts.load("signer")
for result in tx(sender=acct):
When using allowFailure=True
(the default), if a specific call in the multicall fails, the overall multicall will still succeed and the result for the failed call will be None
. This is useful when you want to batch multiple calls together and don’t want the entire batch to fail if just one call fails.