
Compile your project using the following command:

ape compile

Configure the location Ape looks for contracts by editing the contracts_folder key in your project’s ape-config.yaml file:

contracts_folder: src  # Default is 'contracts/'

The JSON Compiler

Ape ships with a compiler that is able to compile .json files. This compiler is useful for the following:

  1. Interfaces: If you know the address of an existing contract, you can include its ABI in your project and create a contract wrapper around it:

from ape import project

# Comes from a file named `MyInterface.json` in the contracts/ folder.
my_interface = project.MyInterface
address = "0x1234556b5Ed9202110D7Ecd637A4581db8b9879F"

# Instantiate a deployed contract using the local interface.
contract =

# Call a method named `my_method` found in the local contract ABI.
  1. Pre-existing Contract Types: If you have a contract type JSON that was compiled elsewhere, you can include it in your project. This is useful if you are unable or unwilling to install a compiler.

  2. Raw Compiler Output: If you have an artifact with binary compiled elsewhere, you can include it in your project. This is useful if you want to use contracts from much larger projects as dependency for your test cases.

WARN: You may have to adjust name and source ID similarly to raw contract-type output.

Other Compiler Plugins

If your project includes Solidity (.sol) or Vyper (.vy) files, you will have to install additional compilers. To include additional compilers in your project, you can add the plugins to the plugins list in your ape-config.yaml or install them using the CLI. For information on how to configure plugins in your project, follow this guide.

Ignore Files

You can configure files to be ignored from compilation. By default, Ape ignores files package.json, package-lock.json, tsconfig.json. To override this list, edit your ape-config.yaml similarly:

    - "*package.json"
    - "*package-lock.json"
    - "*tsconfig.json"
    - "*custom.json"  # Append a custom ignore

NOTE: You must include the defaults in the list when overriding if you wish to retain them.


In Ape, compiler plugins typically let you have dependencies. See this guide to learn more about configuring dependencies in Ape.

To always compile dependencies in Ape during the ape compile command, use the CLI flag --include-dependencies:

ape compile --include-dependencies

Alternatively, configure it to always happen:

  use_dependencies: true


Generally, configure compiler plugins using your ape-config.yaml file. One setting that applies to many compiler plugins is cache_folder, which holds dependency source files the compiler uses when compiling your contracts. By default, the folder is in your contracts/.cache folder but there are times you may want to move this to another location. Paths are relative to the project directory. For instance, to move the dependency cahce to the root project directory:

   cache_folder: .cache


Changing the location of the dependency cache folder may alter the the output bytecode of your contracts from some compilers. Specifically, the solc compiler will apend a hash of the input metadata to the contract bytecode which will change with contract path or compiler settings changes. This may impact things like contract verification on existing projects.

As another example, when using the vyper plugin, you can configure settings under the vyper key:

  version: 0.3.10

You can also configure adhoc settings in Python code:

from pathlib import Path
from ape import compilers

settings = {"vyper": {"version": "0.3.7"}, "solidity": {"version": "0.8.0"}}
   ["path/to/contract.vy", "path/to/contract.sol"], settings=settings

# Or, more explicitly:
vyper = compilers.get_compiler("vyper", settings=settings["vyper"])

solidity = compilers.get_compiler("solidity", settings=settings["solidity"])

Compile Source Code

Instead of compiling project source files, you can compile code (str) directly:

from ape import accounts, compilers

CODE = """
   ... source code here

container = compilers.compile_source(
   settings={"vyper": {"version": "0.3.7"}}, 

owner = accounts.test_accounts[0]

instance = container.deploy(sender=owner)