
A transaction’s trace frames are the individual steps the transaction took. Using traces, Ape is able to offer features like:

  1. Showing a pretty call-tree from a transaction receipt

  2. Gas reporting in ape test

  3. Coverage tools in ape test

Some network providers, such as Alchemy and Foundry, implement debug_traceTransaction and Parity’s trace_transaction affording tracing capabilities in Ape.


Without RPCs for obtaining traces, some features such as gas-reporting and coverage are limited.

To see a transaction trace, use the show_trace() method on a receipt API object.

Here is an example using show_trace() in Python code to print out a transaction’s trace.


This code runs assuming you are connected to ethereum:mainnet using a provider with tracing RPCs.

To learn more about networks in Ape, see the networks guide.

from ape import chain

tx = chain.provider.get_receipt('0xb7d7f1d5ce7743e821d3026647df486f517946ef1342a1ae93c96e4a8016eab7')

# Show the steps the transaction took.

You should see a (less-abridged) trace like:

Call trace for '0xb7d7f1d5ce7743e821d3026647df486f517946ef1342a1ae93c96e4a8016eab7'
DSProxy.execute(_target=LoanShifterTaker, _data=0x35..0000) -> "" [1421947 gas]
└── (delegate) LoanShifterTaker.moveLoan(
        # Abridged because is super long #

    │                   └── LendingRateOracle.getMarketBorrowRate(_asset=DAI) -> 
    │                       35000000000000000000000000 [1164 gas]
    ├── DSProxy.authority() -> DSGuard [1291 gas]
    ├── DSGuard.forbid(src=LoanShifterReceiver, dst=DSProxy, sig=0x1c..0000) [5253 gas]
    └── DefisaverLogger.Log(
        ) [6057 gas]                                                                              

Similarly, you can use the provider directly to get a trace. This is useful if you want to interact with the trace or change some parameters for creating the trace.

from ape import chain

# Change the `debug_traceTransaction` parameter dictionary
trace = chain.provider.get_transaction_trace(
    "0x...", debug_trace_transaction_parameters={"enableMemory": False}

# You can still print the pretty call-trace (as we did in the example above)

# Interact with low-level logs for deeper analysis.
struct_logs = trace.get_raw_frames()

Tracing Calls

Some network providers trace calls in addition to transactions. EVM-based providers best achieve this by implementing the debug_traceCall RPC.

If you want to see the trace of call when making the call, use the show_trace= flag:

token.balanceOf(account, show_trace=True)


If your provider does not properly support call-tracing (e.g. doesn’t implement debug_traceCall), traces are limited to the top-level call.

Ape traces calls automatically when using --gas or --coverage in tests to build reports. Learn more about testing in Ape in the testing guide and in the following sections.

Gas Reports

To view the gas report of a transaction receipt, use the ReceiptAPI.show_gas_report() method:

from ape import networks

txn_hash = "0x053cba5c12172654d894f66d5670bab6215517a94189a9ffc09bc40a589ec04d"
receipt = networks.provider.get_receipt(txn_hash)

It outputs tables of contracts and methods with gas usages that look like this:

                            DAI Gas

  Method           Times called    Min.    Max.    Mean   Median
  balanceOf                   4   1302    13028   1302    1302
  allowance                   2   1377    1377    1337    1337
│ approve                     1   22414   22414   22414   22414
│ burn                        1   11946   11946   11946   11946
│ mint                        1   25845   25845   25845   25845