
exception ape.exceptions.APINotImplementedError

Bases: ApeException, NotImplementedError

An error raised when an API class does not implement an abstract method.

exception ape.exceptions.Abort(message: str | None = None)

Bases: ClickException

A wrapper around a CLI exception. When you raise this error, the error is nicely printed to the terminal. This is useful for all user-facing errors.


Override default show to print CLI errors in red text.

exception ape.exceptions.AccountsError

Bases: ApeException

Raised when a problem occurs when using accounts.

exception ape.exceptions.AliasAlreadyInUseError(alias: str)

Bases: AccountsError

Raised when attempting to add an account using an alias that already maps to another account.

exception ape.exceptions.ApeAttributeError

Bases: ProjectError, AttributeError

Raised when trying to access items via . access.

exception ape.exceptions.ApeException

Bases: Exception

An exception raised by ape.

exception ape.exceptions.ApeIndexError

Bases: ApeException, IndexError

An exception that is also an IndexError. Useful for nicely displaying IndexErrors.

exception ape.exceptions.ArgumentsLengthError(arguments_length: int, inputs: MethodABI | ConstructorABI | int | list | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: ContractDataError

Raised when calling a contract method with the wrong number of arguments.

exception ape.exceptions.BlockNotFoundError(block_id: BlockID, reason: str | None = None)

Bases: ProviderError

Raised when unable to find a block.

exception ape.exceptions.ChainError

Bases: ApeException

Raised when problems occur in the ChainManager.

exception ape.exceptions.CompilerError

Bases: ApeException

Raised when unable to compile.

exception ape.exceptions.ConfigError

Bases: ApeException

Raised when a problem occurs from the configuration file.

exception ape.exceptions.ContractDataError

Bases: ApeException

Raised when issues occur with local contract. NOTE: This error has nothing to do with on-chain contract logic errors; it is more about ABI-related issues and alike.

exception ape.exceptions.ContractLogicError(revert_message: str | None = None, txn: TransactionAPI | ReceiptAPI | None = None, trace: TraceAPI | Callable[[], TraceAPI | None] | None = None, contract_address: AddressType | None = None, source_traceback: SourceTraceback | Callable[[], SourceTraceback | None] | None = None, base_err: Exception | None = None, project: ProjectManager | None = None, set_ape_traceback: bool = True)

Bases: VirtualMachineError

Raised when there is a contract-defined revert, such as from an assert/require statement.

property dev_message: str | None

The dev-string message of the exception.


ValueError – When unable to get dev message.

classmethod from_error(err: Exception)

Creates this class from the error message of the given error.

This should be overridden whenever possible to handle provider-specific use-cases for raising this error.

exception ape.exceptions.ContractNotFoundError(address: AddressType, has_explorer: bool, network_choice: str)

Bases: ChainError

Raised when a contract is not found at an address.

exception ape.exceptions.ConversionError

Bases: ApeException

Raised when unable to convert a value.

exception ape.exceptions.CustomError(abi: ErrorABI, inputs: dict[str, Any], txn: TransactionAPI | ReceiptAPI | None = None, trace: TraceAPI | Callable[[], TraceAPI | None] | None = None, contract_address: AddressType | None = None, base_err: Exception | None = None, source_traceback: SourceTraceback | Callable[[], SourceTraceback | None] | None = None)

Bases: ContractLogicError

An error defined in a smart contract.

property name: str

The name of the error.

exception ape.exceptions.DecodingError(message: str | None = None)

Bases: ContractDataError

Raised when issues occur while decoding data from a contract call, transaction, or event.

exception ape.exceptions.EcosystemNotFoundError(ecosystem: str, options: Collection[str] | None = None)

Bases: NetworkError

Raised when the ecosystem with the given name was not found.

exception ape.exceptions.MethodNonPayableError

Bases: ContractDataError

Raises when sending funds to a non-payable method

exception ape.exceptions.MissingDeploymentBytecodeError(contract_type: ContractType)

Bases: ContractDataError

Raised when trying to deploy an interface or empty data.

exception ape.exceptions.NetworkError

Bases: ApeException

Raised when a problem occurs when using blockchain networks.

exception ape.exceptions.NetworkMismatchError(chain_id: int, network: NetworkAPI)

Bases: ProviderError

Raised when connecting a provider to the wrong network.

exception ape.exceptions.NetworkNotFoundError(network: str, ecosystem: str | None = None, options: Collection[str] | None = None)

Bases: NetworkError

Raised when the network with the given name was not found.

exception ape.exceptions.OutOfGasError(code: int | None = None, txn: TransactionAPI | ReceiptAPI | None = None, base_err: Exception | None = None, set_ape_traceback: bool = False)

Bases: VirtualMachineError

Raised when detecting a transaction failed because it ran out of gas.

exception ape.exceptions.PluginInstallError

Bases: ApeException

An error to use when installing a plugin fails.

exception ape.exceptions.PluginVersionError(operation: str, reason: str | None = None, resolution: str | None = None)

Bases: PluginInstallError

An error related to specified plugin version.

exception ape.exceptions.ProjectError

Bases: ApeException

Raised when problems occur in a project.

exception ape.exceptions.ProviderError

Bases: ApeException

Raised when a problem occurs when using providers.

exception ape.exceptions.ProviderNotConnectedError

Bases: ProviderError

Raised when not connected to a provider.

exception ape.exceptions.ProviderNotFoundError(provider: str, network: str | None = None, ecosystem: str | None = None, options: Collection[str] | None = None)

Bases: NetworkError

Raised when the provider with the given name was not found.

exception ape.exceptions.QueryEngineError

Bases: ApeException

Raised when issues occur in a query engine.

exception ape.exceptions.RPCTimeoutError(provider: SubprocessProvider, seconds: int | None = None, exception: Exception | None = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: SubprocessTimeoutError

exception ape.exceptions.SignatureError

Bases: AccountsError

Raised when there are issues with signing.

exception ape.exceptions.SubprocessError

Bases: ApeException

An error raised whilst managing a subprocess.

exception ape.exceptions.SubprocessTimeoutError(provider: SubprocessProvider, message: str | None = None, seconds: int | None = None, exception: Exception | None = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: SubprocessError

A context-manager exception that raises if its operations exceed the given timeout seconds.

This implementation was inspired from py-geth.

exception ape.exceptions.TransactionError(message: str | None = None, base_err: Exception | None = None, code: int | None = None, txn: TransactionAPI | ReceiptAPI | None = None, trace: TraceAPI | Callable[[], TraceAPI | None] | None = None, contract_address: AddressType | None = None, source_traceback: SourceTraceback | Callable[[], SourceTraceback | None] | None = None, project: ProjectManager | None = None, set_ape_traceback: bool = False)

Bases: ApeException

Raised when issues occur related to transactions.

exception ape.exceptions.TransactionNotFoundError(transaction_hash: str | None = None, error_message: str | None = None)

Bases: ProviderError

Raised when unable to find a transaction.

exception ape.exceptions.UnknownSnapshotError(snapshot_id: SnapshotID)

Bases: ChainError

Raised when given an unknown snapshot ID.

exception ape.exceptions.UnknownVersionError(version: str, name: str)

Bases: ProjectError

Raised when trying to install an unknown version of a package.

exception ape.exceptions.VirtualMachineError(message: str | None = None, base_err: Exception | None = None, code: int | None = None, txn: TransactionAPI | ReceiptAPI | None = None, trace: TraceAPI | Callable[[], TraceAPI | None] | None = None, contract_address: AddressType | None = None, source_traceback: SourceTraceback | Callable[[], SourceTraceback | None] | None = None, project: ProjectManager | None = None, set_ape_traceback: bool = False)

Bases: TransactionError

Raised when a transaction error occurs in a virtual machine.

ape.exceptions.handle_ape_exception(err: ApeException, base_paths: Iterable[Path | str]) bool

Handle a transaction error by showing relevant stack frames, including custom contract frames added to the exception. This method must be called within an except block or with an exception on the exc-stack.

  • err (TransactionError) – The transaction error being handled.

  • base_paths (Optional[Iterable[Union[Path, str]]]) – Optionally include additional source-path prefixes to use when finding relevant frames.


True if outputted something.

Return type:
